May 15, 2020
What a difference a few months can make. We have all been experiencing some challenging times as the COVID-19 virus blazed across the world greatly impacting the global community. Our own corner of the world has felt the effect of this virus in many ways. Not the least of which was the ‘stay home – stay safe’ sweeping restrictions that closed our communities to life as we knew it.
For many sheltering in place brought its own challenges. For businesses the impact was immediate and significant. We are all anxious to open back up for business as usual. However, most likely ‘business as usual’ will be anything but in the weeks and months ahead. As we slowly re-open our economy and communities we must continue to find creative ways to navigate the ‘new normal’. Social distancing, face masks, hand washing, and disinfecting will become part of our everyday living.
With the uncertainty of what our world will look like six months from now, one thing we can be sure of is the need to be tolerant, flexible, respectful and kind. This isn’t about us or them, you or me; this is about mankind. We are all in this together, and together we shall make our way through to better days.
In the State of Michigan, the construction industry ‘re-opened for business’ on May 7th. Bren-Mar Construction was eager and prepared to resume our projects and get back to work. We have once again started our days early moving safely among our subcontractors to the sound of construction all around us. And we are happy to be doing what we do best – building! We are moving dirt, we are laying pipe and building walls, we are measuring, cutting and pounding. We are building!

The COVID-19 virus is not confined to space or time. We must all continue to wait patiently for healing and the local and global economies to reestablish strong. As we emerge we must all continue with best practices for safe keeping. Bren-Mar Construction is on the job and doing our part.