December 28, 2015
As the year comes to a close we often find ourselves celebrating – the successes of the previous year, our plans and goals for the coming year, and Max Williams’ birthday.

Reflecting on the success of the past, we are honored to have Max as a part of the Bren-Mar team. Coming from a human resources background, Max joined Bren-Mar full-time over 3 ½ years ago. Of course, you could say as the boss’ son he’s really been a part of the team and learning about the business his whole life. This lifelong learning combined with on the job training has proven successful in generating an incredibly skilled and competent project manager. And certainly one of the hardest working members of the Bren-Mar team.
As we look forward to the coming year, we celebrate the plans and goals we have for the company and for Max. As Max continues his on the job training from our fearless leader, we look forward to him taking on more of the ownership roles. Before too long, Bren-Mar will enter its second generation as a family owned and operated business. The energy that Max brings to the team is unparalleled. He is driven and a hard worker who truly cares about all his coworkers, clients and subcontractors. In fact, you will often find him coordinating impromptu ‘happy hour’ gatherings on Friday afternoons with as many people as he can round up.

Of course it’s not all work, Max still finds time to play; enjoying traveling with his wife Kristen and their two young sons. They often visit family in the Grand Rapids and Northern Michigan areas, as well as a tropical beach from time to time. And while there’s no telling what the future holds beyond Bren-Mar’s second generation, we have seen both boys around the office on occasion…perhaps the next generation of Bren-Mar is already here. If so, we’ll certainly be celebrating!